Cheap Phone Plan!
Who doesn’t want a cheap phone plan? Right? In Mexico there are two main phone companies. Telcel and Movistar. We have used both. Depending on where you live, will depend on which service you prefer and which has better coverage.
In my opinion, telcel works the best and is the cheapest. One of the best things about it is that it works great in the United States and Canada as well. Step 1, go to any local telcel store or (tienda) and buy a sim card. They cost about $50 pesos or $3 US. That will give you a Mexican phone number. At the store you can add a couple of dollars to the number, just to get started.
Once you have the simcard in your phone and its activated, go to the play store and download their app. It is called mi telcel app. Once you download it and start it up, you will need to add your new mexican phone number. After that, look at the bottom of the screen for ‘paquetes’ or packages. From there, click on the box that says ‘Amigo Sin Limite’ and click on the one that says 150. The cost is $150 pesos or about $8 US, and it lasts for 26 days. To purchase it, just use your credit card.
It gives you 2 gigabyte of data to use, which doesn’t sound like a lot. However, with using wifi in your house most of the time, you will probably have some left over at the end of 26 days. A trick we found is to renew the package before it expires, like the day before. If you do that, then your left over data will roll over and combine with the new data. After a few months, you will have sizable amount of data to use if need be. If you go the states for a few months, it works great there as well. Where else can you get a phone plan for $8 US a month?